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Involving Our Children

Rebecca is a homesteader, homemaker, and homeschool mama of 2 precious little girls and wife to her husband. 8 months ago they sold our homestead property in pursuit of a different property with more opportunity for development.


Not only are they building a home, but barns, chicken coops, gardens, and a greenhouse. The list could go on…

As homesteaders there are many instances when we are creating things that hold a certain level
of risk, or even where we need to keep our concentration on the task at hand. When I first started
doing more around my home, I was quick to become overwhelmed by the inevitable
interruptions that occur when you have small children. I would feel like I had to find someone to
watch my girls so I could accomplish the important task at hand. Reality is sending my girls
away was not benefitting our family. My girls were missing out on key moments of learning, and
I was never learning how to adapt to my current circumstances (having small children


So how do we still do these tasks while also creating space for our children to join

Teach Safety Rules

As soon as our babies learn to crawl, we are teaching them safety rules around our home. If I am going to be making soap and pouring lye, I do not want to have a toddler on the floor underneath me with the potential of a drop spilling on them. It takes practice but we have gotten to the point where all the children no matter the age know that when I say, “Back up” Or “go stand in the other room to watch” it is done right away. Safety must come first, and the understanding that when a parent says something it is for your protection.

Plan Ahead

Planning is key. What task will I be doing? What are the steps, and in which steps can the girls
help? When making soap they can help pour it into molds, choose the colours or scents etc.
When making cheese they can help stir the pot or help put the curds into the cheese press.
When we are cutting and packaging meat they can pass certain portions, or even use their little knife to trim the fat.

No matter the task there was always certain steps that we can slow down enough to allow our
children to become involved.


Before we are going to begin a task, whether an outside chore or within our kitchen our girls and
I will discuss the recipe, where they can expect to help, and any dangers there may be.

Moral of The Story

Moral of the story, we don’t want our children to miss out on feeling useful within our home or
learning essential skills that they may sometimes do on their own just because I am too nervous
about an accident, or to impatient to slow down enough to allow them to give certain things a try.
Slow down enough throughout your day that little ones can learn alongside you. I love that I am
now seeing so many fruits from intentionally slowing down enough to teach our children the
importance of being helpful around our home.


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