Amber Gibbon is the homestead mama behind Rogue Mountain Moments, a 160 acre ranch nestled in the mountains of Southern Oregon, where she lives with her husband and two daughters. The following is an excerpt of a previous Instagram takeover.
This weekend we’re making botanical dye using St. John’s Wort. You may have seen the Stories I’ve been posting here and I’ll be adding more as we go through the process. Yesterday we picked the flowers and today we started the dye bath.
St. John’s Wort blossoms create a lovely dusty reddish pink dye all by themselves. But, two years ago, the day before Fiadh was born, I discovered the real magic hiding in the dye. I was just about to go into labor and was experiencing that energy rush a lot of you mamas may remember. I decided to finish dying a bunch of baby whites I’d collected for Fiadh’s arrival. I had heard that using an iron-water mordant would help intensify the dye, so I had prepared some for the project.
First, I dunked the whites into the red dye bath made from the St John’s blossoms. The result was pretty, not spectacular, but nice for a botanical dye. Then I dipped newly dyed reddish pink little onesie into the iron-water. And THAT’S WHEN THE MAGIC HAPPENED!!! Right before my eyes that little onesie changed from blah pink to the deepest, most beautiful olive/forest/evergreen color I’d ever seen!