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Dealing with Expectations

Laura Robinson is a mama of two and co-founder of @FableFarmstead, an organic mixed-veggie farm and apiary on Wabanaki land in southern coastal Maine. With a background in public health and a certification in holistic health and wellness coaching, Laura is committed to fostering health and connection through food. 

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Dear mamas. This is Sarah from @sarah.akti


I do not live in a perfect house.


I do not have perfect kids.


I do not have a perfect garden.


I am not a perfect mum.


I am not a perfect homesteader.


But, I really love to be a homestead mum in this house, with this garden and these kids.


What I don´t love, is, when my life gets overwhelming. It´s the feeling of too much of everything. Too many chores, too many things to do, too many expectations.


I am in a constant learning process, how to handle
this. And it´s a complicated process. It´s the permanent try to figure out, what gives your life a good balance
– what is necessary for you to be happy and satisfied?


It´s a very individual question. Lasse taught me to be better to differentiate between my own expectations and society’s expectations.


Often I get stressed and sad, when I confuse my expectations with society´s.


And than I need to tell myself, that it is okay, that I did not make the laundry today, because I spent time playing with the kids.


And I need to tell myself that it is okay, that I did not vacuum clean, because it gives me half an hour, where I can embroider and find some peace and relax.


And I need to tell myself, that it is okay, that I did not prepare a special dinner tonight, but that the bellies are filled.


I need to tell myself, that it is okay to be far away from perfect.


Dear beautiful homestead mamas! To go for homesteading is not the easy way.


But try to find your expectations and go for it. Find the balance that works for you.


Perhaps homesteading and an outside job, perhaps dairy and no vegetables or just vegetables, or a building place, one child or seven children.


There are so many possibilities, how you can create an amount of self-sufficient homesteading that works for you.

And it will be perfect!


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