Deeply Rooted

Laura Hill is a Christian, wife, mother, artist, and homemaker, residing in the hills of Auburntown Tennessee. She and her family live on her family’s 272 acre beef cattle farm, where they spend their time gardening, learning to homestead, and growing as a family, all while trying to honor the Lord together. 

    I am not well traveled. I’ve never flown on a plane. I’ve never been north of Ohio or west of Texas.I’m not as well traveled as some may say one should be, but this piece of land has housed all of my fondest memories.


        I got to know my husband here when we were just kids.When his dad asked him to do various labor around the farm, I came with him. He’s always been a hard worker, and I knew if I wanted to get to know him, it may revolve around riding in a tractor with him, hauling hay, or working cattle. 


My husband proposed here, and we began transforming this cattle farm into a wedding venue. Shortly we after, the opportunity arose for us to renovate the little old farmhouse on the property. So we did just that as we planned for our wedding. James lived here alone, meticulously mending and building, perfecting this 100 year old structure. A future filled with little children running barefoot through the gardens of our homestead was slowly becoming a reality with each nail he drove into the walls.


       We were married here, just a short walk from where we live now. We’ve been working on making this house a home ever since.


My husband carried me over the threshold on the same steps that we carried both of our babies over when we brought them home. We’ve walked the path from our house to the pond countless times. First as a couple, then with brand new babies, then with toddling new walkers. Now we follow them as they run ahead.


      There’s been so much growth here, in this one spot. Gardens, babies, our union. So many core memories have taken place in these walls, and on this acreage. I always thought that my future would hold travel to far away places, but God knew I would find my solace right here. So, I may not be well traveled, but the paths in this space have been well worn with our little history, and this sweet little homestead, we’ll I just don’t want to leave it. 



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